February 23. 2010 Juche 99
Pak Ui Chun Meets Indonesian Ambassador
WPK Delegation Leaves for China
Foreign Delegations and Guest Here
Russian Ambassador Hosts Reception
Indonesian Ambassador Hosts Reception
Palestinian Ambassador Hosts Reception
Nationwide March for Reunification Called for
Japan's Moves to Grab Tok Islets Blasted
Colombian Organization Lauds Kim Jong Il
Joint Statement Supported in Britain
Kim Jong Il's Birthday Observed in Different Countries
Kim Jong Il's Birthday Observed in Russia
Kim Jong Il's Work Off Press in Finland

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il presencia la funcion artistica de estudiantes capitalinos
Kim Jong Il envia ofrenda floral ante feretro de difunto Yun Kwang Sop
Conferencia nacional de periodistas y hombres de prensa
Rodong Sinmun llama a sumarse a la gran marcha pannacional

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