January 6. 2021 Juche 110
Congress of Struggle and Advance Which Will Mark Great Watershed in Overall Development of Korean-style Socialism
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Makes Opening Speech at 8th WPK Congress
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Starts Report on Work of 7th Central Committee of WPK
Greetings to WPK 8th Congress from CPC Central Committee
Floral Basket Sent to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il
Mass Anti-epidemic Atmosphere Gets More Tense in DPRK
New Objects Listed as National and Local Intangible Cultural Heritages
Korean Nation's Ceramic Technique with Long History
Lots of Manure Sent to Farms in DPRK

For Spanish-speaking People
Congreso de lucha y avance que marcara hito de viraje en el trayecto de desarrollo general del socialismo al estilo coreano
Discurso de apertura del VIII Congreso del PTC pronunciado por el Maximo Dirigente Kim Jong Un
Maximo Dirigente Kim Jong Un comienza el Informe sobre las Labores del VII Periodo del CC de PTC
CC del PCCh felicita el VIII Congreso del PTC
Se arrecia en Corea la campana masiva de profilaxis

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