June 8. 2024 Juche 113
Russian Youth Friendship Delegation Returns
Contest of Lathe Operators and Pipe-makers Held in DPRK
Exhibition of Children's Science Fiction Models and Inventions Closes in DPRK
Many Schools and Kindergartens Remodeled
Harvest of Earlier Wheat and Barley Begins in DPRK
Progress Made in Production of Farm Machine Accessories
Regional-Industry Development in DPRK
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Brining about Joint and Collective Innovation

For Spanish-speaking People
Regresa la delegacion de amistad de los jovenes rusos
Terminada la competicion de torneros y paileros
Cerrada la exposicion de maquetas de ciencia ficcion e inventos de ninos
Se remodelan este ano centenares de escuelas y jardines infantiles

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