June 15. 2024 Juche 113
DPRK Delegation Returns from Russia
ITF Executive Committee Held
Sci-Tech Library Inaugurated in Jagang Province of DPRK
Farmers in DPRK Move into New Houses
February 17 Shock Brigade of Scientists and Technicians Organized
Sci-tech Successes Made in Implementation of Regional Development Policy
Women in DPRK Strive for Implementation of WPK's Childcare Policy
Songdowon General Foodstuff Factory in DPRK Increases Productivity

For Spanish-speaking People
Regresa de Rusia la delegacion del MINSEP de la RPDC
Sesionada la reunion del comite ejecutivo de ITF
Inaugurada Biblioteca Cientifico-Tecnica de la provincia de Jagang
Tienen lugar mudanzas a nuevas viviendas en las comunas de Naejung y Sinjong

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