January 14. 2009 Juche 98
Committees for Election of Deputies to DPRK SPA Formed
Day of Victorious Cuban Revolution Marked
DPRK Powerful with All People Armed
Self-reliance, Powerful Mode of Revolution
KCNA Flails Lee Regime's Desperate Moves to Enact "Laws"
U.S. Scenario for Preemptive Attack on DPRK Flayed
Lee Myung Bak Group's Outbursts Denounced
Japanese Reactionaries' Ambition for Grabbing Tok Islet under Fire
Puppet Prosecution's Repressive Deeds Assailed in S. Korea
Joint New Year Editorial Supported by Officials of Chongryon
DPRK's Joint New Year Editorial Supported in U.S.
DPRK's Important Holidays to Be Marked in Different Countries

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige sobre terreno un complejo y una fabrica
MINREX rechaza versiones erroneas en cuanto a la desnuclearizacion
Autoconfianza es acertado modo de la revolucion del pueblo coreano
Sri Lanka y Rusia: comites preparatorios para fiestas coreanas
ATCC comenta institucion excesiva de "leyes" en el Sur de Corea

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