November 6. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Jong Il Inspects Chemical Complex
Kim Jong Il Enjoys Art Performances
Dozens of Science Films Produced
Production of Medicinal Herbs on Increase in DPRK
More Modern Villages Appear in DPRK
Sariwon Fruit Farm
Patriotic Long Journey for Happiness of People
Bolstering Military Capability for Self-Defence Called for
Struggle for Independence against U.S. Called for in S. Korea
President Kim Il Sung's Feats Lauded by Lao Figure
Korean People's Just Cause Supported in Britain
WPK's Founding Anniversary Celebrated in Peru

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige sobre terreno complejos
Kim Jong Il ve funcion artistica de empleados de complejos
Personalidad de Laos elogia a Kim Il Sung como gran hombre
Corea produce mucho hierbas medicinales
Rodong Sinmun subraya necesidad de fortalecer la capacidad militar

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