April 15. 2021 Juche 110
DPRK Ambassador Presents Credentials to Chinese President
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Autograph Letter from General Secretary of C.C., Communist Party of Vietnam
Cambodian King and Great Queen Send Large Floral Baskets to DPRK Embassy
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Floral Baskets from Members of Board of Directors of Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Foundation
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Floral Baskets from Foreign Organizations and Personages
Floral Baskets to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il from Abroad
Emergency Anti-epidemic Work Intensified in DPRK
President Kim Il Sung, Founder of Socialist Korea
Immortal Classic "Nostalgia"
DPRK's History of Self-reliance (5)
KCNA Commentary Slams Japan's Moves for Seizing Tok Island
KCNA on Japan's Criminal Decision Posing Threat to Human Existence
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Congratulatory Letter from Chongryon Central Standing Committee
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Congratulatory Letter from General Association of Koreans in China
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Congratulatory Letter from AINDF
President Kim Il Sung Praised Abroad

For Spanish-speaking People
Embajador coreano presenta cartas credenciales ante el Presidente chino
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un recibe carta personal de Secretario General del CC de PCV Nguyen Phu Trong
ACNC comenta las tentativas de Japon de usurpar el islote coreano Tok
ACNC comenta acto criminal de Japon que amenaza la existencia de la humanidad

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