October 16. 2022 Juche 111
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Reply Message from President Xi Jinping
WPK Central Committee Congratulates 20th Congress of CPC
Oath-taking Meeting of Revolutionary Schools
Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il's Field Guidance to Anbyon Youth Power Station No. 2 Marked in DPRK
Epidemic Prevention Work in DPRK
Autumn Wheat and Barley Seeds Sowing Completed
Rice Harvest Propelled at Final Stage in South Hwanghae Province of DPRK
Production Foundation Consolidated by Dint of Science and Technology
Successes Made in Mineral Production
Meeting of Chongryon Central Leadership Bodies and Affiliates Held
WPK Praised by Romanian Personage

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un recibe mensaje de respuesta de Xi Jinping
Comite Central del PTC felicita el XX Congreso del Partido Comunista de China
Efectuado en Escuela Revolucionaria de Mangyongdae el acto de aprobacion de nota de juramento
Se arrecia en Corea la campana profilactica
Terminada la siembra otonal de trigo y cebada en el campo

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