September 1. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Yong Nam Meets Chinese Military Delegation
Meetings of Delegates of WPK Held
Kim Yong Nam Greets Vietnamese President
Kim Yong Nam Greets Uzbek President
Kim Yong Nam Greets Slovak President
Choe Yong Rim Greets Vietnamese PM
Choe Yong Rim Greets to Slovak PM
DPRK Ambassador to Malaysia Appointed
Reception Given by Cuban Ambassador
Anniversary of DPRK-Cuba Diplomatic Ties Marked in Cuba
Message and Gift from Brazilian Figure
Hamhung Cultural Exhibition Opens to Public
National Public Scientific and Technological Presentation Opens
Exhibition of Youth's Scientific and Technological Achievements
Kim Jong Il's Pledge Made on Ryongnam Hill
Life Shining with Patriotic Spirit
US Termed Principal Harasser of Peace
People of DPRK Called upon to Make Redoubled Efforts
Strengthened Non-Aligned Movement Called for
US-S. Korea Accused of Defending Japan's Crimes in S. Korea
Japan's Settlement of Its Past Crimes Urged in S. Korea
Japan Urged to Make Apology and Reparation to Korean People
War Moves of US and S. Korean Puppet Group under Fire
DPRK Important Day Observed in Austria
Kim Jong Il's Songun Leadership Praised
Story of Kim Jong Il

For Spanish-speaking People
Continuan reuniones de delegados del PTC
Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje y presente de personalidad brasilena
Tiene lugar el acto central por efemeride significativa
Inaugurada exhibicion nacional de ciencia y tecnologia por 10 de octubre
EE.UU. es perturbador de la paz, califica Minju Joson

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