February 8. 2012 Juche 101
Kim Jong Il Sends 700,000 Books to Library
Art Troupe of Koreans in Japan Arrives
Science and Technology Prize Awarded in DPRK
10-day Film Shows Open to Mark Day of Shining Star
Letters Praising Kim Jong Il Carved on Natural Rock
Tireless Efforts of Leader Kim Jong Il for People
Best Players, Coaches of Taekwon-Do, Ssirum for 2011
Lacquer Vase, Gift from Japanese Juche Idea Followers
New Seed Processing Substance Invented
Minju Joson Condemns Japan's National Chauvinism
DPRK Papers Hit at US-Japan-S. Korea Military Nexus
Rodong Sinmun on Reunification by Federal Formula
KCNA Blasts US Scenario to Realize Its Strategy for Supremacy
KCNA Slams Japan's Reckless Ambition to Grab Tok Islets
Japan Defense Minister Derided for Poor Intelligence
S. Korean Army Wages Military Drill
Traffic Mishap by GI's Wife in S. Korea
Kim Jong Il's Works Published in Mexico and Russia
Seminars Held Abroad
Bangladesh Organizations Praise Kim Jong Il
Indian Papers Praise Kim Jong Il
China Rejects US Accusation: FM Spokesman
Russian PM Opposes Arbitrariness of US
Russian FM Reaffirms Its Stand against Sanctions on Iran
US Police Evict "Occupy DC" Protesters
Accident Occurs in US Nuclear Plant
Coolant Leaks from Japan's Crippled Fukushima Reactor
Cuba Slams US Radio-Electric Aggression in Geneva
Bolivian President Condemns US Interference
IRGC Starts Military Drill in Southern Iran
Iran Successfully Launches New Satellite into Orbit
Kyrgyz President Calls for Fighting Extremism
German FM Calls for Withdrawal of US Nuclear Weapons from Europe
Malaria Kills More People Worldwide than Thought: Research
Youth Unemployment Worldwide
Many Countries Hit by Long Spell of Cold Snap

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Un inspecciona la comandancia de unidad 324 del EPC
700 mil libros enviados al Palacio de Estudio del Pueblo por Kim Jong Il
Periodicos denuncian confabulacion militar EE.UU.-Japon-Sur de Corea
ACNC comenta ambicion de Japon de usurpar el islote Tok

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